Thursday, March 4, 2010

Love is the Business of Men

God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love and sound judgment. – Timothy 1:7

When a movie is marketed as a love story, we assume it is a “chick flick.” I admit, I love a good “chick flick” with a girlfriend and a glass of wine. If plots don’t contain fighting, bleeding, or exploding, guys will typically avoid them or not admit to watching them. But real love is not merely women’s work. It’s the core of manhood, transforming men to be strong and courageous. Love is POWERFUL and can bring out the man in men.

Love makes a husband put away childish things and embrace his responsibilities to lead his family. It drives him to defend his wife, provide for his children (or future children), and even lay down his life if they become endangered. Love motivates a man to confront injustice and take passionate stand for what he believes in, like crossing an ocean to fight for his country. At minimum compels him to be a man of his word, walk his talk and be the light on the hill to guide others as they witness his marriage.

Jesus was the most loving man ever to walk the earth and remains the perfect example of manhood. With passion, He confronted evil, case out demons, and rebuke religious hypocrites. Out of love, He served sacrificially, rescued the broken hearted, and willingly died for the sins of the world. Real men embrace love as the driving force to boldly do what boys merely dream of.

I pray that I will continue to learn what real love is and make me a more loving person.