Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Love Prays with Abandon

Each meal Seth and I prepare, Seth leads us in prayer. Some prayers are giving thanks, some are prayer requests for each other, for us, and always for others in are lives (and all the homeless kitties - that's Po's prayer). I have caught myself getting impatient sometimes because I want to nom nom nom our meal. I'm reminded of why we pray, how we pray. I paused today to reflect on our prayerful life together.

"Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think..." Ephesians 3:20

Christ came to give us life "in abundance" (John 10:10) because He is a God who is not limited by earthly boundaries. He can multiply loaves and fish until there is full baskets left over. There is no limit to what He can do to fulfill His purpose in your life.

This Truth pushes us to pray with boldness for the success of our marriage (and others' marriages). Go ahead - ASK BIG! Be confident that He bears "anything according to His will" (1 John 5:14) and that nothing prevents Him from doing whatever he desires, no mater how impossible it seems to us.

It is God's will that you and your spouse be totally united in mind and purpose, that you grow together in Him, and that you are enabled to serve Him with freedom and generosity. If you know of something God could do to turn these into realities, don't be afraid to ask. Leave it to Him to decide what is best, but never be left to wonder if "you do not have because you do not ask" (James 4:2).

He has taken care of tomorrow.