Wednesday, February 10, 2010

backstraining business

After dim-wittingly electing to re-arrange the living room furniture while my husband was gone to Seattle one fine Sunny Saturday, I strained my lower back. I have sat on those painstakingly moved couches for 4 days. Going from my painstaking workouts to nada, zilch was turning my brain into a lava lamp. I embarrassingly admit this. I fancy that I would have used this time constructively. Nope. I did host a Superbowl party and send out Valentine letters and read my book club choice Infidel. My lack of constructive use of time sitting and sitting and sitting downward spiraled. I wouldn't say that I became depressed but I did flirt with it. Such a drastic shift in my energies. I am not writing this blog out of self-loathing, no.

I have begun to think it is time to test assumptions I make. For example, I have been lured into the idea of keeping a regular blog but never committed to it for reasons: A) for whom am I writing to; B) would I feel or come across as pompous for thinking that my ramblings are THAT important (then gasp, they might not be); C) it couldn't replace the satisfaction of pen to journal non-verbal expression; D) I truly am frustrated and embarrassed by my dyslexia (omitting words completely at times).

Now that I am gaining some normalcy in my first day after my injury to be back at work and working out I am thinking about what's next. This is bad habit of mine. I strive for goals. A friend pointed that it is because my profession doesn't have clear cut achievements or end results. I think they are right. What is next? Lent. What to sacrifice, what to add to my life, what to give away and what to pray/focus on. Honing on the add part is possibly wrighting a blog for 40 days. No direction, yet. Just simply that. Maybe at the end some of my assumptions for not blogging regularly in the past will be confirmed or dispelled.

We will see. Well, at least I will see anyhow.