This year I wish others abundance, challenge, stability, adventure, acceptance, and courage to shine their light by not compromising who they are.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Hello-Goodbye 2011; Hello 2012 and 33 years around the sun
This year I wish others abundance, challenge, stability, adventure, acceptance, and courage to shine their light by not compromising who they are.
Posted by Unknown at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
The Blessing of the Animals
Posted by Unknown at 5:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Love seeks to Heal
The Creator is near the brokenhearted; He saves those crushed in spirit- Psalm 34:18
Posted by Unknown at 9:10 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Love Prays with Abandon
Each meal Seth and I prepare, Seth leads us in prayer. Some prayers are giving thanks, some are prayer requests for each other, for us, and always for others in are lives (and all the homeless kitties - that's Po's prayer). I have caught myself getting impatient sometimes because I want to nom nom nom our meal. I'm reminded of why we pray, how we pray. I paused today to reflect on our prayerful life together.
"Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think..." Ephesians 3:20
Christ came to give us life "in abundance" (John 10:10) because He is a God who is not limited by earthly boundaries. He can multiply loaves and fish until there is full baskets left over. There is no limit to what He can do to fulfill His purpose in your life.
This Truth pushes us to pray with boldness for the success of our marriage (and others' marriages). Go ahead - ASK BIG! Be confident that He bears "anything according to His will" (1 John 5:14) and that nothing prevents Him from doing whatever he desires, no mater how impossible it seems to us.
It is God's will that you and your spouse be totally united in mind and purpose, that you grow together in Him, and that you are enabled to serve Him with freedom and generosity. If you know of something God could do to turn these into realities, don't be afraid to ask. Leave it to Him to decide what is best, but never be left to wonder if "you do not have because you do not ask" (James 4:2).
He has taken care of tomorrow.
Posted by Unknown at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 28, 2011
INSANITY + p90x: New workout schedule for the next 63 days
Pretty excited to start this workout schedule. Of course, any day can be replaced with other fun physical activity (e.g., running, gym class, rollerblading, basketball, swinging from tress). Here's a great next 2 months!
May-30 | May-31 | Jun-1 | Jun-2 | Jun-3 | Jun-4 | Jun-5 |
Plymetric Cardio Circuit | Plyometrics | Max Interval Circuit | X Stretch | Core Synergistics | Cardio Power & Resistance | Rest |
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 |
Jun-6 | Jun-7 | Jun-8 | Jun-9 | Jun-10 | Jun-11 | Jun-12 |
Pure Cardio | Cardio X | Max Interval Plyo | Cardio Recovery | Max Cardio Conditioning | Kenpo X | Rest |
Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | ||
Jun-13 | Jun-14 | Jun-15 | Jun-16 | Jun-17 | Jun-18 | Jun-19 |
Plymetric Cardio Circuit | Plyometrics | Max Interval Circuit | Yoga X | Core Synergistics | Cardio Power & Resistance | Rest |
Day 15 | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 |
Jun-20 | Jun-21 | Jun-22 | Jun-23 | Jun-24 | Jun-25 | Jun-26 |
Pure Cardio & Ab Ripper X | Kenpo X | Max Interval Plyo | Max Recovery | VACATION | VACATION Print Out Workout | VACATION Print Out Workout |
Day 22 | Day 23 | Day 24 | Day 25 | Day 26 | Day 27 | Day 28 |
Jun-27 | Jun-28 | Jun-29 | Jun-30 | Jul-1 | Jul-2 | Jul-3 |
HONEYMOON 3.0 | VACATION Print Out Workout | VACATION Print Out Workout | VACATION | Core Cardio Balance | Core Cardio Balance | Rest |
Day 29 | Day 30 | Day 31 | Day 32 | Day 33 | Day 34 | Day 35 |
Jul-4 | Jul-5 | Jul-6 | Jul-7 | Jul-8 | Jul-9 | Jul-10 |
Plymetric Cardio Circuit | Plyometrics | Max Interval Circuit | X Stretch | Core Synergistics | Cardio Power & Resistance | Rest |
Day 36 | Day 37 | Day 38 | Day 39 | Day 40 | Day 41 | Day 42 |
Jul-11 | Jul-12 | Jul-13 | Jul-14 | Jul-15 | Jul-16 | Jul-17 |
Pure Cardio | Cardio X | Max Interval Plyo | Cardio Recovery | Max Cardio Conditioning | Kenpo X | Rest |
Day 43 | Day 44 | Day 45 | Day 46 | Day 47 | Day 48 | Day 49 |
Jul-18 | Jul-19 | Jul-20 | Jul-21 | Jul-22 | Jul-23 | Jul-24 |
Plymetric Cardio Circuit | Plyometrics | Max Interval Circuit | Yoga X | Core Synergistics | Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs | Rest |
Day 50 | Day 51 | Day 52 | Day 53 | Day 54 | Day 55 | Day 56 |
Jul-25 | Jul-26 | Jul-27 | Jul-28 | Jul-29 | Jul-30 | Jul-31 |
Cardio Power & Resistance | Cardio X | Max Interval Plyo | Core Cardio & Balance | Cardio X | Kenpo X | Rest |
Day 57 | Day 58 | Day 59 | Day 60 | Day 61 | Day 62 | Day 63 |
Posted by Unknown at 4:59 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Who Needs Whom?
Who Needs Whom?
God does not die when we cease to believe in a personal deity, but we die on the day when our lives cease to be illuminated by the steady radiance, renewed daily, of wonder, the source of which is beyond all reason - Dag Hammarkskjold
As you make choices, care for your family, and plot plans for the future, whose guidance are you seeking - daily? When trouble rains down and your heart is laden with sorrow, whom do you trust to see you through to better times? As fear creeps into your rare moments of silence, whom do you turn to for peace? We quickly respond with "God (or however you call your higher power), of course," because we do have faith. We know that the Creator loves us. We KNOW this. But do we LIVE as though we believe it?
Our time on this earth is amazingly precious and uncertain. Let's face it, we step out onto the front porch and we don't know what will happen next in our day. We can guess. We can hope. But we don't know. Doesn't it make sense to seek the leading of our all-knowing Creator? When we are waiting for faith to run deep in our lives, it is not because Creator needs time to become more real, more omniscient, more powerful. Creator has been Creator for a loooooong time. He isn't waiting for us to truly believe in him before he can finally get some work done in the world. When we wait to believe completely, we miss our chance to life in God's purpose. And he DOES have a purpose for you. When we leave everything to whimsy, emotion (I'm guilty of this), or our own strength, we miss out on God's leading and clarity.
The current of "unknowing" in our lives is not meant to sweep us to places of fear and failure. The unknowing is the miracle that leads us to the wonder and mystery of a God who care for us. Don't just know of God and about God; live in God. Experience the excitement and possibility lying beneath life's uncertainties when you wholly trust the known God.
Posted by Unknown at 1:35 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 6, 2011
I Wish You Knew

Posted by Unknown at 8:03 AM 0 comments