Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Love Lives in Reality

“You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” John 16:33

Unrealistic expectations lead to a life of disappointment and frustration. Few of us want to accept the fact that life can be hard. Though we see others struggling and hear them tell about their hardships, we think our life and marriage will be different. We hang on to idealistic assumptions about the way our partners will treat us, the kind of house we’ll live in, the good health we’ll always have. We don’t see much point in preparing for disappointment.

I am reminded that Jesus was certainly up-front with His disciples when it came to letting them know what to expect in life. And if we want to avoid the anger/hurt that flows from being disillusioned and exasperated with things – and with people, including our spouse – we will not insist on perfection in them. We will not base on moods on how things are going.  I pray that I better put my confidence on God, who never changes, and choose to be content with a life that can change from one moment to the next.